This is a Cook County Feature class of Unincorporated Zoning District Boundaries (Aggregate). This data is provided by the Cook County Dept. Of Building and Zoning and is maintained by the Cook County Zoning Board of Appeals.
Only unincorporated district boundaries are available, please contact specific municipalities for questions regarding incorporated municipal zoning districts.
The Parcel 2014 feature contains tax parcel polygons for the 2014 property tax assessment at the County. This feature reflects tax parcel polygons as they existed from 1/1/2014 through 12/31/2014. Each parcel is uniquely identified with a Property Index Number (PIN).
The railroad feature data layer depicts the location of railroad tracks (including single and multiple line tracks, railyards, and spurs) and railroad stations in Cook County, Illinois.
This Address Point feature class contains one point for every address in Survey Township 10 (Township 41 N, Range 13 E; see ccgisdata - Survey Township (Area) 2014).
This Address Point feature class contains one point for every address in Survey Township 15 (Township 39 N, Range 12 E; see ccgisdata - Survey Township (Area) 2014).
This Address Point feature class contains one point for every address in Survey Township 15 (Township 39 N, Range 12 E; see ccgisdata - Survey Township (Area) 2014).