The Street Midlines in this feature class represent the interpreted midline between the compiled edges of pavement. Unimproved rights-of-way are also included in this database.
The Street Midlines in this feature class represent the interpreted midline between the compiled edges of pavement. Unimproved rights-of-way are also included in this database.
The Parcel 2014 feature contains tax parcel polygons for the 2014 property tax assessment at the County. This feature reflects tax parcel polygons as they existed from 1/1/2014 through 12/31/2014. Each parcel is uniquely identified with a Property Index Number (PIN).
The Lakes and Rivers hydrographic polygon data layer was created to accurately depict the location and shape of flowing water features greater than five feet in width and major standing water bodies in Cook County.
The Lakes and Rivers hydrographic polygon data layer was created to accurately depict the location and shape of flowing water features greater than five feet in width and major standing water bodies in Cook County.